Made for Australia

The Ryder Story

Our company started in Fremantle WA in 2006 when electric bikes were introduced at the E Shed Markets. It began a revolution that was destined to grow and evolve into a major force in the electric bike market in Western Australia. Originally attracting the interest of caravanners and commuters the concept of power assisted cycling inevitably became an exciting alternative method of transport for everyone. The main attractions were, “exercise without stress” “cheaper and healthier commuting” and “recreational enjoyment for anyone”. Higher fuel price for cars and heavy road congestion has helped to keep the demand growing at a rapid rate.

We just want everyone to keep moving!

17th August 2009. Naming our brand was easy. At exactly the same time as Ryder Bikes, our brand, was starting so my first grandchild was being born. His name is Ryder. Naturally we chose his name for our brand. Both Ryder’s have grown and proved to be a blessing to me.

In 2024 we announced an industry beating 3 year warranty on our bikes, such is the confidence we have in our products. 

John Schelfhout


Ryde with Confidence.

All Ryder eBikes purchased come with a full 3 Year Warranty.


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